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Before 3D printing, there was photo sculpture. Subjects were sculpted in 3 dimensions by taking a series of photos from all around the person. This footage is from 1939.

The Indonesian king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is one of the most formidable and revered serpents in Southeast Asia. Known for its impressive size, the Indonesian king cobra can grow up to 18 feet in length, making it the longest venomous snake in the world. This majestic reptile is found predominantly in the dense forests and jungles of Indonesia, thriving in both lowland and highland regions. Unlike many other snakes, the king cobra primarily feeds on other snakes, including both venomous and non-venomous species, showcasing its dominance in the food chain. Its venom is highly potent, containing neurotoxins that can paralyze and kill prey rapidly, and it poses a serious threat to humans if provoked. The Indonesian king cobra is also noted for its intelligence and complex behavior, often avoiding human encounters when possible. Despite its fearsome reputation, it plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance, controlling the population of other snake species. Conservation efforts are essential to protect this apex predator from habitat loss and human conflict, ensuring its continued presence in Indonesia's rich biodiversity.

In May 2020, a police chase unfolded in Gothenburg, Sweden, beginning at approximately 21:20 and concluding in Kungälv, around 24 kilometers north, after 22:00.

**Details of the Incident:**
- **Starting Location:** Gothenburg, Sweden
- **Ending Location:** Kungälv, Sweden
- **Duration:** Approximately 40 minutes

**Driver Information:**
- **Age:** 20 years old
- **Vehicle:** Opel Insignia Sports Tourer

The driver was apprehended and subsequently sentenced to three years in prison. An additional one-month sentence was imposed for an assault that occurred roughly one and a half months prior to the chase.

The Falkirk wheel in Scotland is the world's first and only rotating boat lift: it links the Forth and Clyde Canal to the Union Canal.

Times have changed.


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

1398 videos

Category Sports & Fitness
